Whilst in Paris the other week, we went to the Foundation Louis Vuitton designed by Frank Gehry. This is the first Gehry building I’ve ever been in, so I was looking forward to seeing how the interior spaces worked.
Exhibitions included stunning installations by Olafur Eliasson as well as a show exploring Gehry’s design process. These were fantastic, and made up for the rest of the works not being particularly moving for me.
The internal spaces in the building were a bit of a maze, I didn’t feel like it was a very easy building to move through, and the exhibition spaces felt a bit disjointed. Some interesting use of form internally to create stunning skylights.
Individually Cast Panels |
Dynamic Skylights |
Entrance Lobby |
Olafur Eliasson |
Frank Gehry Exhibition - Form of the Building is inspired by shoals of fish |
Typical Paris! Everyone in Black |
Great Exhibition Design, and a gorgeous Giacometti to boot. |