Thursday, 28 February 2013

Arty-tecture - Pecha Kucha

Last wednesday I went to a Pecha Kucha evening organised by the NLA (New London Architecture) and Squire and Partners at 06 Chad's Place near Kings Cross.  

The idea behind "Pecha Kucha" came from Klien Dytham Architects ten years ago in Tokyo, where each speaker would have 20 slides and 20 seconds per slide, to discuss a topic of their choice.  I've been to a few of these events before, they are great because you are always thinking, and if you get a bit bored by a speaker, you are onto the next one in no time!  Also good for learning new things, and meeting some more designers.

This event was specifically aimed at Art and Architecture, and the interaction between both, and at what stage should one begin working with an artist (answer: as soon as to the start of the architectural process as possible).

It was absolutely fascinating and absorbing.  Artists and Architects who worked on project ranging from the London 2012 Olympics through to the Angel Building and the Room for London (that boat on top of the Southbank Centre), they gave us an insight into how rewarding and exciting it can be, to work with an artist.

Personally, I've always pushed for collaborating with local artists when I see fit.  I feel, especially in  interiors, that this creates a strong sense of location for the user, and ownership over the space.  So not like some totally obscure designer has just landed a project in their laps!

Anyhow, it was very enlightening.  I'm really looking forward to the next one.

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